Study Gurus

If your dream is to Study in Australia or you wish to continue your Australian study dream, talk to the team at Study Gurus to discuss your Australian study options.When you reach out and talk to our experienced education and migration agents you can expect

Experienced Education Counselors ready to Help

Our team of experienced registered education counselors will work with you to plan and prepare everything that you need to enroll in your course

You will be treated as the Unique Individual that you are We appreciate the fact that each of our clients have different backgrounds and specific goals and accordingly we will prepare and tailor a personal study plan that matches your circumstances and desired outcome

Access to Schools and Universities from all over Australia

Just tell us about your interests, goals and where you would like to study, and our expert team will find the course and education provider that is right for you. Registered Migration Agents available to assist you If you are interested in working and continuing to reside in Australia after you complete your studies our team of migration agents are available to advise you on the study pathway the you will need to complete to achieve this outcome

Registered Migration Agents available to assist you If you are interested in working and continuing to reside in Australia after you complete your studies our team of migration agents are available to advise you on the study pathway the you will need to complete to achieve this outcome

Speak Multiple Languages In additional to speaking English, our team members are also fluent in Japanese and Portuguese

Upfront about Costs

We will assess your options and provide you with a personalized fee proposal that will clearly set out all of the costs involve

Located in the City Centre of Cairns and on the Gold Coast Feel free to contact us by phone or email or drop into our Cairns or Gold Coast offices, to arrange a meeting to discuss your Australian study options.We also have an office in Lisbon, Portugal.


Cairns Office:
Level 1/ 14B Aplin Street

Google Map


07 4212 4605


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