Latest data shows 1 in 24 international travellers to QLD are education visitors
International education visitors to Queensland shows 9% growth with 1 in 24 visiting for education purposes
Tourism and Events Queensland’s latest international education visitor snapshot to year ending Dec 2017 shows that 1 in 24 international travellers to Queensland were education visitors. Education visitation to Queensland grew 9% each year over the past three years from 85,000 education visitors in 2014 to 110,000 visitors in 2017.
Cairns remains a desirable study destination chosen by over 32,000 international students from over 34 countries each year as well as domestic students choosing to study away from their home base in Australia.
China leads the way as the state’s largest source market for international education visitors followed closely by Japan, the USA and Korea.
Cairns enrollments in 2017 (for countries with more than 100 enrollments) shows that Brazil increased by 63% while PNG and Italy decreased by 12% and 14% respectively. The top eight countries accounted for 65% of total enrollments and there were 78 countries studying in the region.

32% of education visitors arrive in Australia to study English with ELICOS proving the most popular type of courses, followed by Undergraduate and Postgraduate degrees and Diplomas.
These latest figures reinforce Queensland’s continued popularity as a destination for study and travel.
The snapshot reports on education visitor statistics collected in the International Visitor Survey (IVS). Education visitors are defined as visitors who have been in Australia for less than one continuous year and who self-identify as visiting Australia for education purposes. This survey is conducted with visitors as they leave Australia. Note that not all international students in Australia will fall under this definition. For example, an international student who completes a three year degree without leaving Australia is not defined as an international visitor in the IVS. Survey was conducted by Tourism Research Australia.